Our Local Transfer Service provides clients with a convenient way of transferring money to their friends, families, and relatives residing in different locations within Phillip Bank branch network in Cambodia.

Benefits you’ll get

  • Available in KHR and USD.
  • Instant transaction – receiver will get remittance within minutes
  • Cross-currency remittance is available, following the daily exchange rate
  • Can transfer either at nearest branches during working hours or through ATMs/CDMs
  •   Transfer from Account to Account
  •   Transfer from Account to Non-Account
Transfer Account to Account/ Account to Non Account - 0.1% of Transferred or Received Amount
- Minimum KHR 4,000 / USD 1



Annual Interest Rate Total Net Earned Interest Total Deposit Amount Total Amount at Maturity Date
4.75% 286.25 11,757.79 12,044.04

Payment schedule:

No. Earned Interest Tax Net Earned Interest Monthly Deposit
1 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75%

•    ID card and phone number as stated in the Remittance Application Form if the withdrawal amount exceeds USD 500 or KHR 2,000,000
•    ID card or phone number as stated in the Remittance Application Formif the withdrawal amount is less than or equal to USD 500 or KHR 2,000,000