You can use our Personal Loan for your personal investment to create more wealth or for personal consumption to enhance your lifestyle.

CurrencyTerm (months)Annual Interest Rate
USD, KHR18 - 6016% - 18%



Annual Interest Rate Total Net Earned Interest Total Deposit Amount Total Amount at Maturity Date
4.75% 286.25 11,757.79 12,044.04

Payment schedule:

No. Earned Interest Tax Net Earned Interest Monthly Deposit
1 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75%
  • Age of 18 to 65 years old
  • Employee with a fixed monthly salary
  • A minimum of 1 year employment with current company
  • ID Card/Passport/ Staff ID
  • Family book/Residence book/Birth certificate.
  • Salary slip in the last 3 months
  • Employment contract/ Reference with the employer’s stamp
  • Letter of confirmation from local authority