Credit Review Officer

  • ចំនួន: 1
  • កាលបរិច្ឆេទបិទ: 31 March 2025
  • ទីតាំង: ស្ទឹងមានជ័យ
  • នាយកដ្ឋាន:


សូមផ្ញើប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេប (CV) និង Cover Letter តាមរយៈ៖

  • ការិយាល័យ​ក​ណ្តា​ល៖ #27DEFG មហាវិថី ព្រះមុនីវង្ស​ ភូមិ6 សង្កាត់ស្រះចក ខណ្ឌដូនពេញ, រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ
  • អុីម៉ែល:


  • Conduct site visits and inspections where necessary to verify the applications and attend meeting with borrowers to discuss loan proposals to understand their businesses.
  • Collecting supporting documents from borrowers for the loan applications and to verify the repayment sources of income.
  • Make sound recommendations based on quality analysis and ensure timely submission of the credit memos for approval.
  • Response to queries raised by Credit Risk Management Team on the loan applications.
  • Monitor the loans review date and ensure prompt review of loans.
  • Monitor progressive loans and post-disbursement conditions to ensure compliance of conditions imposed.
  • Ensure that bank’s credit principles and policies are followed and complied.
  • Ensure that deviations from the bank’s credit management processes/procedures/policies are identified and properly addressed.
  • Ensure proper filing of documents for the Corporate Borrowers.
  • Liaising and follow up with CAD for the issuance of LO and loans releases


  • Bachelor degree in banking and finance or related file
  • At least 1 years of experience in Banking
  • Skills/knowledge in Loan processing/Loan Credit admin
  • Sound written and verbal English communication skills.
  • Computer Skills (Ms. Word, Excel, and Power Point).


Our packages are aligned to a “Pay for Performance” principle of rewarding & recognizing good performers.

  1. 13th month salary
  2. Pchum Ben bonus
  3. Annual performance bonus or sales incentive
  4. Seniority indemnity payment
  5. Term life insurance coverage and personal accident & inpatient
  6. Outpatient benefit
  7. National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
  8. Staff loans
  9. Public holidays following Cambodia labor law
  10. Leave benefits
  11. Five working days per week
  12. Learning and development – short courses and development program