Lending Specialist, MSME
- ចំនួន: 25
- កាលបរិច្ឆេទបិទ: 31 March 2025
- ទីតាំង: កំពង់ឆ្នាំង, កំពង់ត្របែក, កំរៀង, កោះធំ, ដូនកែវ, តាខ្មៅ, បឹងកេងកង, ពញាឮ, ព្រះសីហនុ, ព្រៃឈរ, រតនមណ្ឌល, សិរីសោភ័ណ, សួង, ស្វាយរៀង, ស្អាង
- នាយកដ្ឋាន:
សូមផ្ញើប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេប (CV) និង Cover Letter តាមរយៈ៖
- ការិយាល័យកណ្តាល៖ #27DEFG មហាវិថី ព្រះមុនីវង្ស ភូមិ6 សង្កាត់ស្រះចក ខណ្ឌដូនពេញ, រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ
- អុីម៉ែល: careers@phillipbank.com.kh
- Market bank products to individuals and firms, promoting bank services that may meet customer’s needs.
- Prospect new clients and assist them for loan application.
- Analyze and interpret financial statements of the business in order to access the repayment capacity and financial soundness of the borrower.
- Conduct loan appraisal, collect detailed information (personal, business, and guaranties), and arrange to open new loan account.
- Prepare and execute loan application/credit memo.
- Monitor/follow up customer repayment daily and solve later repayment in a timely manner, avoiding the debt being a serious debt.
- Assess local market conditions and identify current and prospective sales opportunities for Loan products and others banks’ products & services.
- Bring out the best of branch’s personnel by providing training, coaching, development and motivation.
- Performs other various duties as assigned.
- Bachelor of Business Administration in Management or Finance and Banking or in any related field.
- At least two year’s experience in banking or Microfinance industry or another related field
- Acceptable written and verbal communication skills (Khmer and English).
- Good commitment in fieldwork and strong willing to work with rural people.
- Good understanding of Cambodian banking/MFI rules and regulations.
- Sound working knowledge of Computer (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Email).
- Honesty, Initiative, creatively, high commitment and good inter-personal skill, and able to manage and lead team for success