Education Loan

An Education loan is a type of product which provides financial support to people who wish to pursue   higher education or to study a technical skill, such as pursuing a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or intensive course. With an Education Loan, you can turn your dream profession into reality.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Between 18 and 35 years old
  • Students who failed or passed the high school exam.
  • University students who pursue associate/ bachelor’s degree.
  • A person who wishes to study professional/vocational skill and has an educational level of at least secondary school level.
  • Student/person must have a permanent address in Phillip Bank’s operating areas.

Tab 1 Content

Valid Identification documents:

  • NID/Passport
  • Staff ID
  • KYC documents

Business and Income Proof:

  • Certificate of business existence
  • Relevant financial documents
  • Bank account statement
  • Salary slip

Other Requirements

  • Real estate property document (Soft or Hard Title)
  • A cash deposit (Savings Account/ Current Account/ Term Deposit Account within the Bank)

Tab 2 Content

Loan Amount USD 200 – 6,000 USD 200 – 6,000 USD 200 – 6,000
Rate per Month 1.40% and above 1.35% and above 1.30% and above
High School Grade E D A, B, C
Average University Score 60 – 69 70 – 79 80 – 100
Repayment Method Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)
Grace Period Up to 54 Months Up to 54 Months Up to 54 Months