Micro Agriculture Loan

A Micro Agriculture Loan is offered to customers who wish to spend on agricultural business activities, to acquire assets of agricultural businesses, to undertake seasonal production or seasonal business activities that generate seasonal income such as animal farming, vegetable growing, fishing, purchasing land or agricultural tools, buying inputs such as fertilisers, seeds and insecticides, and engaging labour for cultivating and harvesting the crops, etc.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Between 18 and 65 years old.
  • Cambodians who are Self-employed/Salary workers and living in Phillip Bank’s operating areas
  • A profile with no criminal record
  • Running a legal, harmless business (not an environmentally or socially damaging business).

Tab 1 Content

Valid Identification documents:

  • NID/Passport
  • Staff ID
  • KYC documents

Business and Income Proof:

  • Certificate of business existence
  • Relevant financial documents
  • Bank account statement
  • Salary slip

Other Requirements

  • Real estate property document (Soft or Hard Title)
  • A cash deposit (Savings Account/ Current Account/ Term Deposit Account within the Bank)

Tab 2 Content

Loan Amount

Rate (Monthly)

Tenor (Month)

USD 100 - USD 5,000 or
KHR 100,000 - KHR 20 million

1.4% - 1.5% 6 - 60

> USD 5,000 – USD 10,000 or
> KHR 20 million – KHR 40 million

1.3% - 1.5% 6 - 66

> USD 10,000 – USD 20,000 or
> KHR 40 million – KHR 80 million 

1.25% - 1.5% 12 - 72

> USD 20,000 – USD 40,000 or
> KHR 80 million – KHR 160 million

1.15% - 1.4% 12 - 84

> USD 40,000 – USD 70,000 or
> KHR 160 million – KHR 280 million

1.05% - 1.3% 12 - 120

Principal Grace Period: Up to 06 Months
Repayment Method: Flexible Repayment Options

Conditions are subject to change, at the Bank’s sole discretion, without prior notice to customers.