With FAST PAYMENT Service, you can enjoy the fastest and most reliable way of sending/receiving money, be it for individual or business purpose, among participant banks/MFIs.

Benefits you’ll get

  • Available in KHR and USD
  • Can transfer from Phillip Bank account to various partnered banks/MFIs



Annual Interest Rate Total Net Earned Interest Total Deposit Amount Total Amount at Maturity Date
4.75% 286.25 11,757.79 12,044.04

Payment schedule:

No. Earned Interest Tax Net Earned Interest Monthly Deposit
1 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75%

• To Send FAST PAYMENT: Fill in “Remittance Application Form” at the nearest Phillip Bank branches
• To Receive FAST PAYMENT: Go to the nearest Phillip Bank branches or ATMs/CDMs in order to withdraw the money.

Fast PaymentCondition
Minimum per TransactionKHR 4,000
Maximum per TransactionKHR 40,000,000
Available Account- Savings Account
- Current Account
- Parent Child Account(Inward transfer only)
AvailabilityMember of participant banks/MFIs