We create Standing Instruction Service to help customers who wish to effect a cash settlement from their own account to another beneficiary account(s) within a specific time period.

Benefits you’ll get

  • Available in KHR and USD.
  • Currency conversion based on Phillip Bank’s daily exchange rate
  • A safe and convenient way to automate payment, daily, month or yearly expense, etc.
  • Time savings with less expense



Annual Interest Rate Total Net Earned Interest Total Deposit Amount Total Amount at Maturity Date
4.75% 286.25 11,757.79 12,044.04

Payment schedule:

No. Earned Interest Tax Net Earned Interest Monthly Deposit
1 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75%

•    Customers and their beneficiaries must have a savings or current account with Phillip Bank in order to use the standing instruction service
•    Customer must perform settlement transaction at least two times for initiating this service
•    Customer must complete the application form of standing instruction service

RegistrationKHR 12,000 / USD 3
Fee per Transaction/ per AccountKHR 1,000 / USD 0.25