You can now open a Phillip Bank account and select a special account number, which can be the same as your date of birth, phone number, and a series of numbers, lucky numbers or other special numbers. Coming with a 9-digit number, a special account number is available for either new or existing Phillip Bank customers.

Benefits you’ll get

  • Available in KHR or USD
  • The special account number is subject to a fee charge starting from KHR 20,000/ USD 5 up to KHR 20,000,000/ USD 5,000
  • The fee charged is based on:
    • Repeating number (any position of 9-digit number)
    • A series of numbers (strait or end position)
    • Double digits in series (any position of 9-digit number)
    • Lucky number (any position of 9-digit number)
    • Date of birth
    • Phone number
    • Other preferred numbers



Annual Interest Rate Total Net Earned Interest Total Deposit Amount Total Amount at Maturity Date
4.75% 286.25 11,757.79 12,044.04

Payment schedule:

No. Earned Interest Tax Net Earned Interest Monthly Deposit
1 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75%
  • Individuals (residents/non-residents) aged 18 and above
  • Open an account with Phillip Bank including Savings/ Current/ Current AutoSave account
  • Pay the fee as defined by the bank
  • Request for a special account number that is not duplicate with other customer’s account numbers.

*Remark: An existing account number can not be changed into a special account number.

*Phillip Bank’s customers can now open an account with the number same as their phone number instantly via Phillip Mobile for $5 only.

for individual:

  • ID Card or Passport or Family Record Book

for corporate or Financial Institution:

  • Letter of Authorisation
  • Identity documents of the institution
  • ID Card or passport of the institution’s Director(s) and Shareholder(s)
  • Other documents (if required)

*Remark: An existing account number can not be changed into a special account number.

*Phillip Bank’s customers can now open an account with the number same as their phone number instantly via Phillip Mobile for $5 only.